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jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Survival Gear & Bug Out Bags

BOB - Bugout BagA Bug out bag is basically a big survival kit that contains all of the items you would require to survive after a disaster. A Bug Out Bag allows you to grab what you need quickly and evacuate should a disaster happen.
Most experts suggest that your BOB should contain enough supplies to last for at least seventy two hours.  Since most major disasters can disrupt services and normal life for longer than 72 hours, we think it is a good idea to have a Bag that will allow you survive for an indefinite period of time.
Make sure your Bag is built to fit your needs. Some people may need items that are not listed on this list. Remember that this is a guideline meant to help you get your bag together. When putting your bag together take into consideration any special needs or items that you or your family might need.
Below we discuss what should be in most Bug Out Bags, as well as our suggestions on what are the best Items to buy that will hold up when it really counts.

What items should be in your Bug Out Bag?

BOB emergency survival bagThis will depend on a number of factors, such as the area you live in (climate, elevation, etc….) But the basics are as follows:

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