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jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

4 Ways to Donate to Hurricane Irene Relief

From the tornadoes in Alabama to the tsunami in Japan, we’ve seen plenty of disasters this year. Each and every time these disasters strike, an amazing thing happens — other people swarm to help. Hurricane Irene is no different. While the damage might not have been as widespread, there are still plenty of people in need of help.
Here are 4 ways you can donate to Hurricane Irene relief efforts:donate irene
1. Donate Blood — American Red Cross chapters across the country are urging anyone able to donate blood. Irene forced the cancellation of more than 60 blood drives, which is equal to more than 2,100 unites of blood.  To make an appointment, or find a blood drive near you, visit : redcrossblood.org.

2. Donate Money – With flood waters still rising, workers are running out of space to store goods. Instead, they’re requesting that you donate cash. You can make a donation to the state Salvation Army chapter by calling (800) SAL-ARMY or by texting the word “storm” to 80888, which will send an automatic $10 donation. You can also make donations on their website, salvationarmyusa.org.

3. Donate Gift Cards — Flood victims in multiple areas are in need of new clothing. Instead of donating clothes, however, due to lack of space, donate gift cards. Drop off (or send) donations to the Denville Social Services Department in New Jersey, and Magnolia Baptist Church in Laurel, Mississippi.

4. Donate Time — In North Carolina, a team is working to remove downed trees and assist homeowners with clean-up efforts. To find out more about the team, and sign up as a volunteer, visit this website: samaritanspurse.org.

Have you helped with Hurricane Irene relief efforts? Share your stories below!

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